Saturday, October 12, 2013

Another pic

Anudder truck.

Test post.

Testing.  How can you see what an image blog will look if you don't have images?
Lookit dis little truck.


Take Two

Well that didn't work.  I never did learn to build a tolerable blog, and instead went to tumblr.  I decided tumblr isn't so hot, so I decided to come back.  So here I am, again trying to learn blogger.  I have a real goal in mind: a blog for vintage advertisements.  I have a pretty large collection of magazines from the 60's-90's and have begun scanning them and editing them to post online.

I want to build a blog that will update itself every day, so I can make a bunch of posts on the weekend and let posts happen all week.  Beyond that, I might write short articles explaining interesting aspects of the ads that most people wouldn't get (such as in vintage car ads, I'd explain the history of the car in question).  Or perhaps spark a little discussion about the social aspects of the ad (sexism, stereotypes, which shirts were the whitest).

Anyway, I'll be tweaking this blog's look and format and hopefully get something I can translate directly to my new blog.  Woop!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hello World

I decided the other day to try and learn a new skill, and Blogging seemed to be a good idea.  It gives me a creative outlet, forces me to learn HTML, and offers the possibility of monetizing.

I intend to learn a bit on this blog, and eventually develop my skill to the point where I can open a non/less-personal blog that follows other topics.  Hope I do all right, and maybe I'll stick with it.

Here Goes!